The Digits data set of the Scikit-learn library provides numerous data-sets that are useful for testing many problems of data analysis and prediction of the results. Some Scientist claims that it predicts the digit accurately 95% of the times. Perform data Analysis to accept or reject this Hypothesis. In this project, we are using the Handwritten Digits dataset which is already ready in the sklearn library. we can import the dataset from sklearn import datasets digits = datasets . load_digits () Info about Dataset: print ( digits . DESCR ) OUTPUT: main_data = digits [ 'data' ] targets = digits [ 'target' ] len ( main_data ) % matplotlib inline plt . subplot ( 321 ) plt . imshow ( digits . images [ 1791 ], cmap = plt . cm . gray_r , interpolation = 'nearest' ) plt . subplot ( 322 ) plt . imshow ( digits . images [ 1792 ], cmap = plt . cm . gray_r , i...